Nov 19, 2011 | dbridgwater | 1987 views
WOW! Look at these stats!
I was going thru some of the stats for our teams. Something to be proud of (these numbers are regular season games up to Sat Nov 19, 2011.)
Midget Rep 9-0-1
Bantam Girls B 9-1-1
Bantam Local League 8-1-0
Atom Rep 6-1-1
Atom Girls B 6-0-0
Novice Rep 5-0-0
Individual Points
Patrick B Novice Rep 82 points
Will L Novice Rep 24 points
Brody L Atom Rep 24 points
Alex I Atom Rep 24 points
Addsion F Atom Girls B 25 points
Jacob R Pee Wee Rep 15 points
Conner K Bantam Local League 24 points
Elyse B Bantam Girls B 33 points
Luke H Midget Local League 22 points
Alex B Midget Rep 17 points
Melissa C Girls Intermediate 7 points in 5 games
Emily B Bantam Girls B 6 Shut outs
Liam F Midget Rep 50 PIM
Although the season is still early we anticipate great success from all teams as they increase their knowledge, skill and development. (This reflects all data available , some scores have not been submitted).
Please check out all the teams and their stats!
Go RAMS Go!!!!