Oct 13, 2014 | Kevin Rice | 949 views
MFMH Trainers
MFMH Trainers
Our next First Aid CPR level C course will be held on Saturday November 15th and Sunday November 16th, 8:00 am- 4:00pm both days.
For all MFMH Trainers who have not yet registered for this course please register as soon as possible.
Also volunteers are needed for our up coming OMHA Trainer Skills Day October 18th from 9:00 am - Noon.
Trainers will participate in scenarios and learning sessions based on real life hockey events.
This is a great opportunity for MFMH Trainers and we are looking for as many Trainers as possible to come out and participate in this day.
Please contact your Trainer in Chief Bob Radojcin to register for either or both of these days.
Thank you