Warm up skate & Tryout's, News (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 25, 2017 | Amy Parker | 1173 views
Warm up skate & Tryout's
If approval from the township is given, warm up skate times for Novice-Midget age players will be held August 30-September 1st.

Tryouts will begin the week of September 5th.  
You will be contacted from a coach to confirm your warm up skate time, and please keep checking the website.  

IP & Tyke start times will be mid September - times TBD.  

To ensure the safety of all players, you must wear proper equipment on the ice.

Three important factors should be stressed when evaluating hockey equipment: A) that the equipment is in good condition, B) that the equipment is well maintained throughout its life span and C) that the equipment fits properly. ‘Hand-me-downs’ are a great way to save money but be sure to carefully inspect the items to ensure they are safe to wear.
Please ensure your kids are ready to for the last week of August with proper equipment....thank you.