Dec 02, 2013 | avarallo | 1148 views
Pee Wee Boys Walkerton Tournamnet
Mount Forest Pee Wee LL Boys Team Dominated Walkerton Tournament November 24th, 2013.
1st Game was played against Twin Center, Both Mount Forest Goalies Ethan Smart and Hunter Radocjin made amazing saves only letting 1 goal by them ending in a 6-1 Win Putting MF Pee Wee LL Boys team on the "A" side of the Tournament. Goals were made by Kaleb Rice Keenan McArthur, Justin Brown, Parker Snyders, Joe Ferguson and Nathan Zeinstra. Goals were assisted by Nathan Zeinstra, Joe Ferguson, Kaleb rice, Justin Brown, ben Wildeman, Keenan McArthur and Kyle Hoffele.
2nd game was played against Walkerton #2, the teams were evenly matched and each goal the Pee Wee LL team made was by great team work. The game ended in a 4-4 tie resulting in a shoot out. Goalie Hunter Radocjin was an intimidating goalie and only let 1 puck get by him. Kaleb Rice and Parker Snyder's both scored in the shoot out with great deaks on the Walkerton #2 goalie. Other goals in the game were made by Kyle Hoffele, Keenan McArthur and Kaleb Rice, goals were assisted by Nathan Zeinstra, Noah Felsbourg, Colby Storey, and Justin Brown.
The Championship game was also against one of their home teams Walkerton #1. Defence players Ty Duncan, Alexander Varallo, Ben Wildeman and Parker Snyders all came out strong keeping the puck in the Walkerton #1 end. Forward Riley Howes also made some great passes to his team mates. Nathan Zeinstra scored the only goal in the game, assisted by Noah Felsbourg and Kyle Hoffele, ending the game in 1-1 tie, OT went into 5 min 4 on 4. Overtime winning goal was scored by Keenan McArthur from a great head man pass for a break away from parker Snyders with 2:48 left on the clock