Jan 31, 2011 | cferrier | 1793 views
Atom Girls Bring Home Gold
The Atom Girls were up against stiff competition this weekend in the Orangeville Tigers Sweethearts Tournament. With a strong defense, fast forward lines, and excellent goal tending, the girls beat out South Huron for the Gold medal in a shoot-out--final score 2-0.
As reported on the weekend, the Atom Girls defeated Hamilton/Norfolk 1-0 in their first game, and Orangeville 4-1 in the second game. The third game against North Halton was tougher competition, with North Halton scoring just 6 seconds into the game. In the second period, the Rams came back with 2 goals to take the lead. Halton was not to be easily defeated though and responded 10 seconds later with another goal to tie things up again. The final score remained tied 2-2 with goals scored by Samantha Gans from Carly Gordon and Therine Stevenson, and Savanna Reibhan from Samantha Gans and Kyla Pacheco.
The team was in first place after 3 games and advanced the semi-final round where they met up with Durham Huskies. Durham were tough competitors, but unable to defeat the strong Rams team, final score 2-1.
Advancing to the gold medal round against South Huron, the girls were pumped! In a nail-biter, both teams played a strong defensive game, with Mount Forest goaltender Marissa Cottingham at her best. With scoreless 3 periods of play, the fans were going wild. Sudden death overtime was tense, but still scoreless. To decide the match, a shoot-out took place with 3 attempts for each team. Samantha Gans took the first shot for Mount Forest, SHE SHOOTS--SHE SCORES; Cottingham in net continues her shut-out. Addison Fisher made the second attempt for the Rams, SHE SHOOTS--SHE SCORES; COTTINGHAM IS INPASSABLE--NO GOAL FOR S.HURON; THE RAMS TAKE THE GOLD IN A SHOOT-OUT!!
Watch the Confederate for further details and pics.
Congratulations to the Atom Girls. And a special thanks to the PeeWee Girls who were there to cheer them on!